
Listen sculpture

Are you listening or do you simply tune out? The woman sitting in front of me on the airplane was asking the flight attendant for help in understanding how to transfer to another terminal at the airport where we would soon be arriving. The attendant started to explain the procedure and the passenger interrupted. The attendant once again started to explain and the passenger again interrupted. This passenger had asked for help but decided not to listen. How many times do we ask for help and then not listen?

This applies not to just everyday directions we may seek but this applies to our prayers. We focus our intent and ask for help, but most times we don’t listen.

Does this mean we really don’t want to hear the answer? Does this mean we are trying to script the outcome? It can be difficult to let go, surrender to God, and simply listen.

Take action:  The next time you’re asking for life’s directions, take some time to really listen. You may be surprised at what you hear! Sometimes it takes quiet to hear God’s whispers.

In His Hands: Be still, and know that I am God. -Psalms 46:10


Divine Problem Solver.

