
There’s a very simple way to make a difference in someone’s life and best of all, it won’t cost you a penny! Want to make a magnificent change in your life right now? It’s easy. I have the secret. A smile! Yes! A smile. Here’s the secret, simply give it away!

Give your smile to everyone you meet. As you’re driving down the road, smile at the driver next to you. When you’re in the grocery store, smile at the other shoppers. When you’re in the department store, smile at the clerk. The next time you see your partner, look into their eyes and simply smile. Give your children a big hug and a smile.

And the greatest gift in giving out your smiles, is that you will get them back. A smile is like a mirror, it reflects right back to you. And what if you smile and they don’t smile back? Not to worry. Because a smile is infectious. They may not know it at the time, but your smile changed their day. Your smile is now stuck in their essence and when they least expect it, your smile will burst back out through them.

So whether you’re changing the world, one, ten or one-hundred smiles at a time, start now. 

Recipe for inspiration:  Smile right now. Go ahead, let out a big smile. Let God shine through you! Good job! Now go out into the world today and give ‘em all you got!

In His Hands: The Lord make his face shine on you and be gracious to you. -Numbers 6:25


In the Wilderness.