Life’s Thesaurus.

Dictionary Page Focus

If life was comprised of synonyms and antonyms, what choices would you make?  I keep a Thesaurus handy whenever I am writing. I love to research and find all sorts of different word selections for expressing my feelings. Whenever I get stuck, I simply open up my Thesaurus and I am given a plethora of selections. (By the way, you’ll find plethora on page 537.]

I was wondering what would happen if we could use a Life Thesaurus to find out all of the different choices for our life path? We’d simply look up our name and see all of the synonyms and antonyms available. The synonyms would show us what is complementary to our life path and the antonyms – well, we would want to stay completely away from them – or would we? Would a life of absolute harmony and joy fulfill us? Would we want to know what lies ahead on our Life Journey – when the bumps in the road will arise or when it’s smooth sailing ahead?

For me, I’m simply going to keep my Life Thesaurus locked up in my heart – dust it off unopened occasionally and return it for safekeeping because I quite enjoy the journey in not knowing exactly what the next moment will bring. I like a life filled with synonyms and antonyms because, with God’s guidance, it’s made me who I am today!

Recipe for inspiration:  Sit down and make a list of what is smooth sailing for you right now and then a list of what bumps you have in the road.  No need to do anything more than make the list. You don’t need to judge it or change it. Just write it.

In God’s Hands: Your word is a lamp for my feet, a light on my path. -Psalms 119-105


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