
What is failure? There’s a favorite quote from Thomas Edison which reads, “I haven’t failed, I’ve just found 10,000 ways that don’t work.” I love this quote. I have it taped on my wall. I must read it at least 50 times a day as I sit at my computer. Failure. Just that word alone will stop you in your tracks! How is it that one word can wreak such havoc?

I’ve decided to change the pronunciation just a little and turn it into “fail-allure.” You see, I think failure has an allure to it. Oh, not in the sense that it’s appealing, but in the sense that it lures you off your path or accomplishment just about the time you are really ready to succeed!

I don’t know what fail looks like. It would sure be easier if I knew if it was big and black and ominous. If it were small, yellow and fearful or green, sticky and envious. Then, I’d be able to see it ahead of me and step easily around it and into success.

How many times in your life do you think that the word “fail” lured you to follow its path? So the next time you’re tempted to be stopped or distracted by the fear of failing, remember that it’s simply “fail” trying to allure you. And as Thomas Edison reminds us, you haven’t failed.

Recipe for inspiration: Click this link, print off Mr. Edison’s quote and place it where you can see it all the time. Keep going!

In God’s Hands: Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding. -Proverbs 3:5




When All Else Fails…